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Personalized Blood Flow Restriction Training in rehabilitation: What is it and why is everybody talking about it? Can it help you reach full recovery after injury faster? Can it help you prevent muscle wasting after surgery?

In a nutshell, Personalized Blood Flow Restriction Training (PBFR) is a way to increase strength or endurance without stressing the injured tissue, using light weight or slow movement. It uses a special tourniquet system on the arm or leg which, when inflated, limits arterial blood flow and significantly reduced venous return of blood. This occlusion stimulates muscle hyperthrophy and endurance.… Read More »Personalized Blood Flow Restriction Training in rehabilitation: What is it and why is everybody talking about it? Can it help you reach full recovery after injury faster? Can it help you prevent muscle wasting after surgery?

How to advocate for yourself in the medical maize to reach full recovery so you get back to what you love

You are suffering from pain, say chronic low back pain. It hurts enough that you don’t go out often anymore, you are not exercising to the point you would like to, and you have to call for help when lifting things. You’ve seen your primary physician who gave you some painkillers and sent you to a surgeon. That surgeon took… Read More »How to advocate for yourself in the medical maize to reach full recovery so you get back to what you love

The WHY Blog by Zuzana Rogers


I’ve been a physical therapist for over 15 years now. In that time, I have come to realize that there’s more to helping someone attain their goals than manual therapy, exercise and modalities. As physiotherapists, we have to start with your goals in mind. We need to start with individual goals and work backwards from there. There’s no cookie cutter,… Read More »The WHY

Tendon Pain - DOs and DON'Ts

Tendon Pain – DOs and DON’Ts:

Is tendon pain keeping you from things you love to do? Is it keeping you from optimal training? Don’t: Rest completely. Resting decreases the ability of the tendon to take load. Do: Reduce loads to a level that the tendon can tolerate and then slowly increase it. Don’t: Use only passive treatments. Ice or heat can give you temporary relief but won’t… Read More »Tendon Pain – DOs and DON’Ts: